Noch ein kleiner Überblick was im Umkreis zu erleben ist.
Hier eine kleine Außwahl was Sie von uns aus noch so alles erleben können. Mehr Ideen erwarten Sie in unserem Urlaubsordner den Sie in Ruhe bei uns durchstöbern können.
Your picture upload was successful
Note for first time Contest Gallery user:
This text can be configurated in "Edit options" > "Upload options" > "In gallery upload form configuration"
"Automatically activate users images after frontend upload" can be activated/deactivated in "Edit options" >>> "Upload options"
Welcome to the photo contest
Upload your image to be a part of the photo contest
This text is visible until first image appears in the gallery.
This text can be configurated in "Edit options" >>> "Gallery view options" >>> "This text is visible until first image appears in the gallery"